— by EU —
  • Project Designation: Inovação produtiva
  • Project Code: CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-000823
  • Main Objective: Reinforce the competitivity of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Area of intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Date of approval: 07/08/2015
  • Start: 23/06/2015
  • Conclusion: 31/08/2017
  • Total Elegible Cost: 1.736.360,00€
  • UE Financial Support: 868.175,00€

DRT Rapid dedicates itself to the production of moulds, directed mainly to the automotive industry answering to the strategic interest of affirmation and specialization of DRT Moldes (Group company) in the supply of moulds for this market segment, diminishing the dependency on third parties. This specialization enabled the company to answer specific needs from the market. Currently the company dedicates itself to engineering and production of prototypes and moulds for the automotive industry, doing the injection for them with gas and/or bi-component (plastic and rubber or two different kinds of plastic), providing its costumers the possibility of production of plastic parts for testing (in several cases, with recourse to subcontractors). The injections of small series with several types of material clearly demonstrate DRT Rapid position in the automotive industry.

The transition of DRT Rapid to new facilities, built from scratch, was a decisive milestone in the company history and the rise to a new level of technological qualification and recognition, which translated in a drastic evolution of its sales and requests from the market. On the other hand, the level of demand and new requests compelled to an effort of technological updates to keep the offer to the state of art level.

This candidature foresaw the increase of the company production capacity, giving the company new technical and technological capabilities, through a strategy of growth and technical specialization, with the implementation of new methods that secure the development of new products and more efficiency in the use of resources, throughout the acquisition of equipment’s that will provide and increase in productive capacity and diversify our offer, with particular focus to moulds for high polished parts (as an example: automotive optics, chrome grilles or other demanding applications in the fields of aeronautics or medicine).

These improvements represent a drastic change for the company technologically and correspond to the introduction efficient and innovative productive equipment’s, as well as the integration of top informatic systems.
Thus, DRT Rapid was able to specialize technically in this business area, enabling the diversification of production and, cumulatively, secure a greater advantage towards the competition, and enhance costumer recognition.

Underlying the central objective, the following objectives were also established:
Increase of production capacity and efficiency; incorporation of new technology capable of developing new products, with a high level of innovation and technical specialization; increase of know-how regarding high gloss molds; increase in client recognition of excellency and quality of the product; increase of export potential; general improvement of energy efficiency and use of resources.

  • Project Designation: Internacionalização das PME
  • Project Code: POCI-02-0752-FEDER-002322
  • Main Objective: Reinforce the competitivity of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Area of Intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Date of approval: 31/08/2015
  • Start: 01/06/2015
  • Conclusion: 31/05/2018
  • Total Elegible Cost: 403.980,00€
  • UE Financial Support: 181.791,00€

DRT Rapid was funded in the year 2000, integrating a group of enterprises named “DRT Group” focusing its main objective, moulds and plastics production and commercialization. The company has been increasing its field of activity including the supply of technical services and support to costumers, although its main activity is still the production of moulds for the automotive industry whose costumers, like VW group and BMW, audit their suppliers, assigning DRT in category B (2º level).

The continuous bet on investigation and development has given DRT the capacity to execute more ambitious and technically elaborate projects. In 2012, DRT inaugurated a new production unite, with technologically advanced equipment’s which led the company to be noticed in the market, with an investment of 12M€.

DRT vision is to be a company of reference, recognized as the best option by costumers, employees and suppliers; its mission is: attend with excellency to its customers, throughout the development and supply of innovation and engineering that contribute directly to the technological improvements of its moulds, generating added value to the final product.

DRT defined, between others, the follow SMART objectives:

-Increase sales volume by a minimum of 20%;
-Reach 5 new costumers/markets;
-Enter 2 new market segments (aeronautics, medicine);
– Develop at least one new product (High polishing moulds);
-Create at least 10 new jobs;

The company defines itself as ambitious and with a continuous medium range vision well defined and structured.

DRT Rapid holds its own brad, registered at a national level, seeks to maintain its commitments with costumers being that there is no direct competition nationwide. As expected, the critical areas of business for DRT Rapid rely on technological capacity, where within this industry, exists constant innovation which costumers expect their suppliers to keep track of technological developments, being in better practices, such as processes or equipment. The guarantee of quality of services and capacity to offer new solutions.

Thus, this project is mainly intended to give brand recognition within the industry and international markets, with a close follow up with the client.


Results obtained:
The present project was a success for DRT, allowing it to further consolidate its international position and to underpin an exceptional growth cycle that allowed the company to almost double the company’s turnover between the pre-project (6.6M€) and the year 2017 (12M€).
It was possible to reinforce DRT’s international presence, improving its critical areas of competitiveness, an aspect that has allowed it to succeed in the sector in which it operates.
This sustained reinforcement of its international profile is the guarantee of a promising future based on new opportunities, the result not only of business maturity, but also of the sophistication and positioning of its customer base.

In view of the SMART objectives defined by the DRT for 2018, established in 2015 when applying, the following can be said:
– Increase turnover by at least 20%: Increase of 66% in 2017;
– Reach 5 new customers/markets: 14 New Customers in 7 markets in 2017 compared to customers in 2015;
– Entering 2 new market segments (aeronautics, medicine): DRT is already positioned in these segments and budgeting several projects for these sectors, with the first awards expected soon;
– Develop at least one new product (high polish molds): Some high polish molds have already been made;
– Create a minimum of 10 new jobs: 49 new jobs were created by 2017, for a total of 122.
– Ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction (minimum of 8.5 on a scale of 0 to 10): In 2016, through the KPI Customer Satisfaction Index, on a scale of 0 to 5, we obtained a score of 3.66 and in 2017, of 3.7, so if we transpose
for a scale of 0 to 10 it would be a score of 7.3 in 2016 and 7.4 in 2017, the target of 8.5 has not yet been reached, but there is an increase from 2016 to 2017, and it is expected that in 2018 this increase is higher.
– Increase the company’s production capacity by at least 25%: Increase production capacity by 86%
– Increase the speed of response to customer requests by at least 5%: – Criterion met in 2017.

  • Project Designation: Qualificação das PME
  • Project Code: POCI-02-0853-FEDER-002545
  • Main Objective: Reinforce the competitivity of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Area of Intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Date of approval: 31/08/2015
  • Start: 15/09/2015
  • Conclusion: 31/05/2017
  • Total Elegible Cost: 501.734,41€
  • UE Financial Support: 225.780,48€

DRT Rapid dedicates itself to the production of moulds, directed mainly to the automotive industry answering to the strategic interest of affirmation and specialization of DRT Moldes (Group company) in the supply of moulds for this market segment, diminishing the dependency on third parties. Currently the company also dedicates itself to engineering and production of prototypes and moulds for the automotive industry, doing the injection for them with gas and/or bi-component (plastic and rubber or two different kinds of plastic), providing its costumers the possibility of production of plastic parts for testing (in several cases, with recourse to subcontractors). The injections of small series with several types of material clearly demonstrate DRT Rapid position in the automotive industry.

DRT Rapid wants, with this project, to reinforce its current market position and endow the company with the necessary technological tools for this purpose, throughout the improvement of condition in the development of new products and increase in quality.

  • Project Designation: Projetos de I&D – Projetos Individuais – Molds Advanced Manufacturing
  • Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-011343
  • Main Objective: OT1 – Reinforce investigation, technology development and inovation
  • Area of Intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Date of approval: 11/05/2016
  • Start: 01/10/2015
  • Conclusion: 31/12/2017
  • Total Elegible Cost: 618.980,87€
  • Financial Support: 408.645,22€

Objectives and results
“Molds Advanced Manufacturing – Development of an advanced software of Plannnig and Management for the Moulds and Special Tools Sector”,  P11343 – 10/2015 a 09/2017

We intend with this project to develop a new concept of management software integrated for Lean Manufacturing, with a concept adjusted to the production of moulds, configurable to each company reality, to increase its marketing potential.

This software was conceived specifically to answer the need of moulds companies, will improve control, monitoring and planning of internal processes, specially the management of production pipeline of each machine and integration with others, consumption of raw material, and control of expenses, It will be construced according to the following modular architecture:

– Integrated Quotation System;
– Integrated File System;
– Integrated Timing System;
– Integrated Management System;
– Integrated Planning System.

This project will strengthen the company in the area it operates, which demonstrates consolidated know-how (in mould development), allowing to reach new sectors and new costumers, throughout the supply of adjustable software solutions to their specific needs.

The project, still in progress, already allowed to develop and validade algorythm models, heuristics and code in the context of a mould production company (DRT Rapid), as we are testing the softwares implementation.

  • Project Designation: PROJETOS DEMONSTRADORES INDIVIDUAIS: SBI Demo – Demonstration of na Advanced software for production planning and management, namely for products/processes with high variability
  • Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033958
  • Main Objective: Reinforce investigation, techonological development and innovation
  • Area of Intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Date of approval: 04/01/2019
  • Start: 01/10/2017
  • Conclusion: 31/03/2019
  • Total Elegible Cost: 332.098,26
  • Financial Support: 174.908,17


The presente managemente and planning software are based on heuristics for mass production and easely quantifiable metrics. However, the production of  unique and variable pieces/services, meaning, non repeatable products/services, require a diferente approach, since this metrics have to adjust throughout the process. In this sense, and with the accumulated experience in software delevopment, DRT Rapid finished a I&D projecto which aimed to develop a new concept of integrated management software for Lean Manufactring. The corollary of this project activities were the creation of a software, with the designation System Business Intelligence (SBI), with its concept adjusted to the mould prodcution, which can be configured for the reality of each company.

This software, conceived and implemented specifically to answer the needs of the mould industry, allows to improve control, monitor and plan internal processes, specially in managemente of each machine production pipeline and integrate with the remaining, raw material consumption and control of expenses.

The proof of conecpt of this software, already in phase of integration and testing in the activity of mould production of DRT Rapid, reveals a viable methodology, and also validates algorithms, heuristics and developed code in that project in a mould production company. The achieved results opened a potentiated a new application for new areas and new costumers throughout the supply of software solutions that are adjusttable to their specific needs. Therefore, we see a high potential of application to several business areas with specific characteristics from non repeatable products and processes, namely for: Metalworking, software production, production of costumised industrial solutions, construction, fashion/clothing and consulting.

This project previews the transfer and diffusion of the previous project Investigation and development (I&D) results into the market, aiming for the creation of a commercial solution and its validation in the context of real use. Being fundamentally characterized by the following specific objectives:

  • Analysis and optimization of processes and maintenance, evolution, installatio and configuration of the solution – Agile product development;
  • Technical and funtional requirements to integrate the solution in a termic treatment company of and develop complementary algorithms;
  • Integration of the model and code for the Conception of a demonstrable SBI solution;
  • Development of technical support documents: Installation, Use and constuling;
  • Testing in real environment and optimization;
  • Promotion and dissemination in conferences, fairs, magazines and workshops in business associations and open sessions.
  • Project Designation: DDM4Glass – Direct Digital Manufacturing for Molds for Glass
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039823
  • Type: R&D PROJECTS IN CO-PROMOTION | Call 31/SI/2017
  • Main Promoter: VIDRIMOLDE – Indústria Internacional de Moldes, Lda
  • Co-promoter: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
  • Co-promoter: DRT RAPID – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Localization: NUTS II – CENTRO
  • Approval Date: 13/03/2019
  • Start Date: 01/05/2019
  • End Date: 30/04/2022
  • Total Investment: 830.191,02 Euros
  • Eligible Investment: 830.191,02 Euros
  • Financial Support: 546.611,76 Euros


The company Vidrimolde has over 25 years of activity, dedicating itself to the business of molds, dealing with the design, development, production and marketing of the same, taking advantage of an opportunity in the segment of molds for the glass industry. VIDRIMOLDE within the scope of the technological surveillance activity that it carries out, in the markets in which it operates, identified the growing need / demand for manufacturing processes that allow the production of specific tools with added value, namely through direct digital manufacturing processes. The consortium led by the company Vidrimolde, also composed of the DRT specialist in molds for injection of thermoplastics and CDRsp-IPLeiria as an R&D entity, through the DDM4Glass project intends to develop solutions, methodologies and strategies for building glass molds through direct manufacturing processes digital.

To this end, the manufacturing technologies that are best suited were identified, in view of the technology’s industrialization potential and its added value for the target market. In this way, the chosen technological processes were SLM, DMLS and hybrid processes, combining additive solutions with subtractive ones, making the process more efficient.

Nowadays there are several additive and even hybrid manufacturing processes, combining a wide range of technologies in the same system. The DDM4Glass project aims to produce molds for highly complex glass for the production of high added value parts, and also to produce molds of high performance compared to those produced through conventional processes.

With the DDM4Glass project, the leading promoter, Vidrimolde, positions itself as a supplier of innovative solutions / products(s) in the field of glass molds, namely with new solutions, methodologies and manufacturing processes. This project also allows the company Vidrimolde to position itself in new markets with a high potential for creating added value.


  1. Preliminary Studies;
  2. Development;
  3. Construction of pilot unit and prototypes;
  4. Tests;
  5. Promotion and dissemination of results;
  6. Project management.

Expected Results:

  • Development of solutions, methodologies and strategies to build glass molds by means of direct digital manufacturing processes.
  • Project Designation: PROJETOS DE I&D EMPRESAS INDIVIDUAIS – COVID-19: KPC – Community Protection Kit
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-01-02B7-FEDER-048037
  • Objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 13/05/2020
  • Start Date: 01/05/2020
  • End Date: 31/10/2020
  • Total Investment: 609.503,87€
  • Eligible Investment: 406.678,76€
  • Financial Support: 325.343,01€


The project “KPC – Community Protection Kit” aims to develop three products individually, namely a protective visor (head: full front face), a facial protection mask (head: mouth and nose) and a sterilization device.

These three products when added together and complemented with other personal protective equipment (for example, disposable / reusable masks for community use, gloves, shoe covers, suits, etc.) and consumables for disinfection (for example, alcohol gel) provide a complete community protection kit (KPC).

This community protection kit is intended for use by individuals or small communities (between 2 to 5 people), both in a family and professional context. Furthermore, the protection kit is portable due to its small size and weight, and extremely versatile due to the different areas in which it can be applied.

The use of the community protection kit is suitable for daily life or for emergency situations, being applicable for the personal protection of people and the sterilization of reusable personal protective equipment and other goods of daily use, namely mobile phones, computer accessories, working tools, kitchen appliances, shopping, postal mail, etc.

The community protection kit, in particular the sterilization device, is designed to be used by people without any specific training in the health field, due to its simplicity and ease of operation.

  • Project Designation: DigitalTouchAuto – Development of advanced and interactive solutions for car interior panels
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049263
  • Main Promoter: DRT RAPID – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Co-promoter: DRT Plastic Injection, Lda
  • Co-promoter: Universidade de Coimbra
  • Co-promoter: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
  • Objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Localization: NUTS II – CENTRO 


  • Approval Date: 17/11/2020
  • Start Date: 23/11/2020
  • End Date: 22/05/2023
  • Financial Support:
    • Total Investment: 3.153.223,55 Euros
    • Total Eligible Investment: 2.832.012,85 Euros
    • Total Financial Support: 1.699.604,41 Euros


The changes that the automotive industry is witnessing go well beyond the search for solutions to increase sustainability (fuel changes and weight reduction) and autonomous driving, they also include personalization and improvement of the forms of interaction with the user within the car.

DigitalTouchAuto intends to introduce a new paradigm at this level, promoting a perfect “fusion” of the car interior with the control panels, through the research and development of a panel for the car’s interior, consisting of two integrated and contiguous base areas: 1) Polymeric optical interfaces (digital cockpit touchscreen) with transparent, anti-fingerprint, scratch-resistant coatings, with good tactile perception and high durability; and 2) Remaining opaque plastic panel with integrated electronics and finish with translucent film, allowing personalization of the interior and interaction with the occupants, including providing information and tactile control of the car’s interior features.

With regard to the manufacturing process, it is important to significantly increase the performance of the injection, also through research in terms of materials, namely from the coating to the molding cavity, in order to increase the rate of heating and cooling, with gains in time cycle and quality of finish of plastic parts and enabling the incorporation of electronics and wiring before injection.

For the development of the project, a multidisciplinary team from DRT Rapid (molds), DRT Plastic (injection of plastic materials), UC and UTAD (ENESII) was assembled with all the necessary skills so that in 30 months it is possible to achieve the ambitious objectives defined.

  • Project Designation: SmartTracking – Integrated predictive maintenance and monitoring solution for molds
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049311
  • Main Promoter: DRT RAPID – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Co-promoter: DRT Advance, S.A.
  • Co-promoter: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
  • Objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Localization: NUTS II – CENTRO 
  • Approval Date: 17/11/2020
  • Start Date: 20/11/2020
  • End Date (preview): 22/05/2023
  • End Date (extension): 30/06/2023
  • Financial Support:
    • Total Investment: 2.180.685,42 Euros
    • Total Eligible Investment: 2.010.538,62 Euros
    • Total Financial Support: 1.274.596,18 Euros


The project aims at remote monitoring of elements of the logistics chain in the automotive sector and molds in particular and provides for research focused on:

– tracing and recording mold making processes;
– tracking the use of the mold;
– registration of corrective and evolutionary maintenance actions;
– implementation of predictive models applied to the production processes and use of the mold.

It is intended to develop a mold with technology integration – sensors and electronics module – that allows to effectively ensure the monitoring, in real time and at a distance, of the actions performed in the mold as well as their timings and georeferenced locations, from its manufacturing process to its discontinuation / reuse, undergoing any predictive, corrective and / or evolutionary maintenance processes. In addition to the electronics module that will record all of this mold information – in a black box logic -, the objective also involves the development of a tracking software platform that allows monitoring and updating the status of the mold during its life cycle. This monitoring will enable the following objectives to be met:

– verification / certification of production processes associated with the mold and those involved in those processes;
– forecasting and launching alarms with these stakeholders to optimize these processes and avoid non-conformities and rework;
– support for predictive, corrective and planned maintenance of molds.

This module should also integrate the monitoring of these actions in opposition to the maintenance contracts established, and assist in decision making in the design of the mold and in the establishment of the clauses of these contracts for new molds.

A multidisciplinary team from DRT Rapid (molds), DRT Advance (software) and IPLeiria (ENESII) will be involved providing all the necessary skills so that in 30 months it is possible to achieve the ambitious objectives defined.

  • Project Designation: ADAPTAR PME
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-02-08B9-FEDER-060897
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 17/06/2020
  • Start Date: 01/06/2020
  • End Date: 30/11/2020
  • Total Investment: 20.000,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 20.000,00€
  • Financial Support: 10.000,00€


This project aims to adapt the promoter’s activity to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by intervening in the adaptation of workplaces, in the purchase and installation of hygiene and disinfection equipment, in information and warning signs and in cleaning services.

  • Project Designation: SafeMailBox – Mailbox with Built-in Sterilization System and Access and Alert Control System
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-01-02B7-FEDER-062852
  • Objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 13/01/2021
  • Start Date: 24/02/2021
  • End Date: 23/08/2021
  • Total Investment: 456.463,58€
  • Eligible Investment: 285.146,50€
  • Financial Support: 228.117,20€


The SafeMailBox project aims to develop the prototype of an innovative product materialized in the form of a secure mailbox, intended to replace the traditional mailboxes of households and companies. This product differs in that it has a UVC sterilization system and an access control and alert system.

The product to be developed presents all the characteristics and functionalities of traditional solutions and also significant incremental innovations that are extremely valued in the context of combating and adapting the daily activities of people and companies to COVID-19, namely the possibility of sterilizing the goods contained inside. This sterilization feature can be applied to postal correspondence but also to a diverse set of everyday goods such as small purchases, mobile phones, key rings, bags and wallets, housewares, tools, personal protective equipment, clothes and shoes, credit cards payment, cash, among others.

The use of the mailbox is controlled by a system of access and alerts allowing it to be monitored by its owner remotely and in real time.

  • Project Designation: PRODUCTIVE INNOVATION PROJECTS – COVID-19: Training of DRT RAPID for the production of equipment and technologies for health
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-02-08B9-FEDER-071782
  • Objective: To strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs
  • Project Location: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 19/08/2020
  • Start Date: 01/07/2020
  • End Date: 30/12/2020
  • Total Investment: 3.998.000,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 2.836.600,00€
  • Financial Support: 1.418.300,00€


This project follows the submission of an application by DRT RAPID, within the scope of Call 15/SI/2020 (Project Nr 48037), for the design and development of a prototype of a Community Protection Kit (KPC) consisting of a face protection shield, a face protection mask and a sterilization device.

The said project (KPC – Community Protection Kit) aims to develop three products individually, namely a face protection shield (head: full front face), a face protection mask (head: mouth and nose) and a sterilization device. These three products when combined together and complemented with other personal protective equipment (for example, disposable/reusable masks for community use, gloves, shoe covers, suits, etc.) and consumables for disinfection (for example, alcohol gel) allow you to obtain a complete community protection kit (KPC).

This community protection kit is intended for use by individuals or small communities (between 2 and 5 people), both in a family and professional context. Furthermore, the protection kit is portable due to its small size and weight, and extremely versatile due to the different areas in which it can be applied.

The use of the community protection kit is suitable for daily life or for emergency situations, being applicable for the personal protection of people and the sterilization of reusable personal protective equipment and other goods for daily use, namely mobile phones, computer accessories, tools kitchen utensils, shopping, postal correspondence, etc. The community protection kit, in particular the sterilization device, is designed to be used by people without any training specific in the health area, due to its simplicity and ease of operation.

The industrialization of the community protection kit requires DRT RAPID to make significant investments in some areas, namely in the execution of architectural projects and engineering specialties, in works to adapt facilities to create a new production line, in the acquisition of molds for the production of large series of parts, the acquisition of raw materials, components and accessories for obtaining plastic parts and bi-material parts (plastic + fabric), hardware (microelectronics) and software for the touch screen panel of control of the sterilization device, in the purchase of an injection machine for the application of the co-injection technique (plastic + fabric), in the certification of the conformity of the products for introduction in the market, and in the definition of a marketing plan and specific actions of promotion and dissemination of products in the national and international market.

  • Project Designation: Training for Innovation in Moulds Industry
  • Project Type: Autonomous Training Projects – E&T Cluster
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-03-3560-FSE-146025
  • Objective: Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and supporting worker mobility
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 16/06/2021
  • Start Date: 01/08/2021
  • End Date: 31/07/2022
  • Total Investment: 292.400,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 292.400,00€
  • Financial Support: 175.440,00€


This project aims to carry out a wide range of short-term training courses to update technical knowledge and promote the acquisition of new skills by the human resources of DRT RAPID in order to make the company more competitive.

The training courses cover a large number of DRT Rapid employees in all internal areas (administration, finance, purchasing and logistics, design, production, metrology and quality, commercial, R&D), as well as all domains and priorities covered by the respective notice of competition, namely Technological Innovation, Digitization and Robotization of Production, Digital Transformation, Environmental Sustainability and Internationalization Processes.

  • Project Designation: DRT Rapid technical training for innovation in the automotive industry
  • Project Type: Autonomous Training Projects – Automotive Cluster
  • Universal Project Code: POCI-03-3560-FSE-177769
  • Objective: Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and supporting worker mobility
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 14/10/2021
  • Start Date: 01/09/2021
  • End Date: 31/08/2022
  • Total Investment: 301.537,50€
  • Eligible Investment: 270.470,00€
  • Financial Support: 163.232,30€


This project aims to carry out a wide range of short-term training courses to update technical knowledge and promote the acquisition of new skills by the human resources of DRT RAPID in order to make the company more competitive.

The training courses cover a large number of DRT Rapid employees in all internal areas (administration, finance, purchasing and logistics, design, production, metrology and quality, commercial, R&D), as well as all domains and priorities covered by the respective notice of competition, namely Technological Innovation, Digitization and Robotization of Production, Digital Transformation, Environmental Sustainability and Internationalization Processes.

  • Project Designation: Hi-rEV – Recovery of the Automotive Components Sector
  • Project Code: C644864375-00000002
  • Dimension: Resilience
  • Component: Investment and innovation
  • Investment: Green Agendas/Alliances for Reindustrialization
  • Main Promotor: PALBIT, S.A.
  • Co-promoters (Research Institutions): INESC TEC, FEUP, INEGI, UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO
  • Co-promoters (Associations): AFIA, AIMMAP, MOBINOV

Official Project Website:

Project Description

Agenda for the development, testing and demonstration of a new generation of technologies, processes and products that allow a new positioning of the national automotive cluster in the global value chains of the car of the future.


Position the national automotive cluster in the global value chains of the car of the future through industry mobilization around the development, testing and demonstration of new generation technologies, processes and products.

  • Develop, test and demonstrate new technologies, methodologies and processes for digital transformation of the national automotive cluster in the context of industry 4.0.
  • Develop, test and demonstrate new materials and new processes in core areas of the national automotive cluster, namely interiors and structures.
  • Train the industry for new skills in the area of connectivity, product-factory and product-service relationships.
  • Develop, test and demonstrate new concepts and new ways of developing and product validation, taking into account trends in the connected car, electric and autonomous.

Approval Date: 2022-07-22
Start Date: 2022-01-01
End Date: 2024-12-31

Financial Support:

  • Total Investment: 42.448.331,45 Euros
  • Total Eligible Investment: 42.448.331,45 Euros
  • Total Financial Support: 20.421.263,29 Euros

Summary: The automotive industry has witnessed several developments in recent years that have reshaped the future of the mobility sector. The various players in the automotive value chain will have to respond: to the economic recovery from the pandemic, the energy transition, the digital transformation and the restructuring of the national and European transforming fabric. The aim is to mobilize national manufacturing companies in the automotive sector to position themselves as examples of intelligent and sustained growth, innovation and suppliers of technologically advanced products. These companies and organizations will participate in a series of projects, with the aim of repositioning their manufacturing capabilities in response to industry/consumer demands. The industrial cooperation strategy in the consortium together with non-business institutions will be fundamental in the necessary specialization path and will leverage the leverage and transformation of the entire national manufacturing industry.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Research Fund
for Coal and Steel (RFCS): project num. 101112346

  • Acronym: SuPreAM
  • Proposal Title: PREdictive simulation of finishing operations in steel Additive Manufacturing for optimal SUrface integrity
  • Proposal number: 101112346
  • Call: RFCS-2022
  • Topic: RFCS-02-2022-RPJ
  • Type of Action: RFCS-PJG
  • Type of Model Grant Agreement: RFCS Action Grant Budget-Based
  • Main Promoter: Fundacio Eurecat (PIC 928030235)
  • Co-promoter: ArcelorMittal Innovacion Investigacion e Inversion SL (PIC 954725314)
  • Co-promoter: Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics dn Enginyeria (PIC 999658721)
  • Co-promoter: DRT RAPID – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda (PIC 897404425)
  • Co-promoter: Sevilla Control S.A. (PIC 900099085)
  • Co-promoter: Fundacion Idonial (PIC 997171738)
  • Co-promoter: Lulea Tekniska Universitet (PIC 999876874)
  • Start Date: 2023-07-01
  • Estimated Duration: 42 months
  • Estimated Project Cost: 2,608,967.35€
  • Requested EU Contribution: 1,565,380.41€


Abstract: Additive Manufacturing (AM) is widely used in the manufacture and repair of metallic parts. The process provides a means for components of intricate geometry to be manufactured using a laser beam with material being delivered into the laser path on the desired substrate. Parts produced by AM commonly present poor surface quality and wide dimensional accuracy; thus, machining processes are required to obtain optimal surface integrity. Surface properties have an enormous influence on features such as dimensional accuracy, friction coefficient and wear, thermal and electric resistance, fatigue limit, corrosion, appearance and cost.

Hence, optimum surface integrity is crucial for the proper functionality of machined workpieces.

SuPreAM project aims at optimizing surface integrity of AMed + machined steel components to reduce manufacturing expenditures at the steel industrial sector through the minimization of scrap and avoidance of re-processing loops. Predictive models of finishing operations will be developed considering the influence of AM technology and steel grades, machining operations, strategies and process parameters on machinability and surface properties of AMed components, enabling the identification of main variables affecting surface integrity. Particle Finite Element Method will be developed for the first time to study of AMed machined steels and AM parameters will be adjusted for a new quality of lean maraging steel.

Two representative case studies have been selected. In both cases, components are real in-use parts proposed for improvement with requirements very closely related to surface quality: 1) a plastic injection mould, surface finish is crucial to ensure quality of moulded parts and mould behaviour (thermal fatigue and wear resistance); 2) a structural component for aerospace application, which requires fatigue resistance. Demonstrators of both case-studies will be produced and used for model validation and comparison with conventional steels.

  • Project Designation: DRT RAPID – Greener Energy
  • Project Reference: 3534
  • Call Nr.: 03/C11-i01/2022
  • Objective: Support for Industry Decarbonization (Mode A)
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Rapid – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda
  • Approval Date: 2023-04-13
  • Start Date: 2023-02-01
  • End Date: 2023-12-31
  • Total Investment: 350.000,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 350.000,00€
  • Financial Support: 91.993,53€


Within the scope of this operation, DRT RAPID – Protótipos e Moldes, Lda intends to improve its energy performance, through the installation of a renewable energy production system on a self-consumption basis, reducing its energy independence and the inherent gas emissions with greenhouse effect (GHG) and contributing to the reduction of the energy and carbon intensity of industry assumed by Portugal.

To properly carry out the implementation, DRT RAPID resorted to hiring specialized technical services, namely to carry out energy diagnosis and technical support for the completion of the operation.

The measures to be implemented fall within the following intervention typology in the Notice of Application: 1. Incorporation of energy from renewable sources and energy storage (C11-i01.m03).

The implementation of the operation will reduce DRT RAPID's energy consumption (and costs) and GHG emissions, increasing its competitiveness and contributing to the pursuit of the specific objectives set out in the “Recovery and Resilience Mechanism” approved by Regulation (EU) 2021 /241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021.